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From Carnal to Fire

We have all lived in our flesh at one point or another. It is no secret that sin is within all of us and consumes us all. The fixed point of loving God as much as he loves us is to live for him.

"If you love me, you will keep my commandments."- John 14:15

This is how we love God. And with over six-hundred commandments within his text, that would we an impossible text. This is why Christ came. God gave a law that was impossible to fulfill. And the only way to justify a sinful soul was to draw perfect blood. This was done by a sacrificial lamb at the Alter of the Temple. The priests would kill the lamb and sprinkle the blood on the Mercy Seat within the Temple of Jerusalem. This was only a temporary offering; there had to be a more permanent solution to the issue.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”- Matthew 5:17

This is Jesus’ reason for sacrifice. It was an act of love for us that we would not have to continue to sacrifice to him sheep, but our own lives. We can live for him and we could be loved without condition.

Now let’s explain the title. From Carnal to Fire is a transition process that takes place within us when we give our lives to Christ. Carnal means to live in the flesh, and fire of course is an adjective that means to be determined or aggressive (all in, sold out for something). This means that you go from being of a weak and unpracticed faith to a stronger and more practiced faith. This spawns the saying, “On fire for God.” A Christian who is weak in faith makes God sick and sad.

So now one has to ask how to change the habit of carnal living? It is possible to change this with determination and prayer. Going to fellowship with other fiery Christians instead worldly company is a good start. Romans 12:1-2 says to avoid being conformed to this world, or nonbelievers. Many people believe that Christ was okay with being around sinners in playful company; when in reality he was ministering to them in that company that he gave. His real fellowship and bonding went to his disciples, the believers of his cause.

Next is Prayer. Prayer is two steps: us talking to God with hands folded and bowed before his throne, and him speaking to us through his word. Praying is a ceaseless activity, “Praying at all times in the spirit.”- Ephesians 6:18a. Without prayer you are void of the fellowship necessary to walk in the spirit instead of the flesh. Prayer strengthens faith and spirit and makes you more discerning. While reading of scripture is the way that God speaks back to us. These three help you stay on fire for God.


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